Complaints Procedure
Pursuant to the Healthcare Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz), every healthcare provider is obliged to establish a complaints procedure for the effective and accessible reception and handling of complaints that relate to him or her. The complaints procedure is aimed at achieving a solution that helps both the care recipient and the care provider.
The complaints procedure described on this page is intended for clients of De Luisterij, Nachtegaalstraat 5, 6971 ZH Brummen; registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 56959230. Alex Kiss is the healthcare provider and his email address is
De Luisterij's complaints procedure meets the requirements in the Dutch Wkkgz and the Wkkgz Implementation Decree. De Luisterij uses the services of Quasir. The complaints procedure can therefore also be found at and will be sent free of charge to the clients of the Luisterij on request, by post or by email. You can also download the formal text of the arrangement (in Dutch) at the bottom of this page.
Are you dissatisfied with my assistance or would you like to file a complaint?
I continually work to keep the quality of the care I provide at the highest possible level. The safety and wellbeing of those who come to me for help is paramount at all times.
If you feel that something is wrong or that I have failed to do something that you could have expected from me, then I would like to hear it. I am open to your experience and would like to discuss with you what is amiss. I would also like to encourage you not to dwell on what is bothering you for a long time. If a solution is found at an early stage, it will make a big difference.
If we cannot reach an agreement, you can contact an independent complaints officer. De Luisterij has a subscription to services provided by the company Quasir. Quasir's complaints officer is also there for you if it is not convenient for you to contact me directly. He or she can help you with:
advise regarding the filing of a complaint and/or
assisting you in formulating your complaint and/or
assisting in investigating the options for reaching a solution (for example by mediation)
It is up to you to choose whether you want to use the assistance of the complaints officer, and there are no costs involved. You can reach the complaints officer by contacting Quasir's complaints mediation department:
telephone: +3185-4874012
post: Quasir, Attn. Complaints Mediation Department, Postbus 1021, 7940 KA Meppel, The Netherlands
Quasir's complaints officer is bound by the Quasir Employee Code of Conduct and the Quasir Professional Independence Protocol. These can be viewed at You can also find a formal version of this complaints procedure there, or download it here: