Hi! I am Alex.
Hi! My name is Alex Kiss and I live in a small town called Brummen, in the Netherlands, with my wife and children. De Luisterij, my practice for psychotherapeutic assistance, is also there.
My practice is the result of an ongoing search for meaning. During the first ten years of my working life I tried many things, but I didn't feel completely at home anywhere. At first I thought it was because I was just not doing a good job as an employee. That's why I started my own business in 2012. First I worked in journalism, later I worked as an independent researcher/editor for Sufi foundations.
Being self-employed meant being very much by myself: on my own, in my head and behind my laptop. There were a few collegues with whom I enjoyed exchanging ideas, but I still missed the connection with more of the people around me. That's when a friend introduced me to the work of Gabor Maté, through the movie 'The Wisdom of Trauma'. And suddenly it was crystal clear to me: I needed to change things around. I immediately registered with Gabor Maté's training institute, and so my journey toward becoming a psychosocial counselor and coach began.
As therapist I now combine a large number of personal and professional qualities. My master's degree in philosophy has left me with a very flexible imagination and sharp analytical skills. As a journalist, I am practiced in asking the right questions. And because of my in-depth knowledge of Sufism, I can easily find the way in. Compassionate Inquiry®, the psychotherapeutic approach that take, makes use of all these qualities and also enables my clients to achieve very concrete results.
If you are ready to make your own sound, and to be in a safe space where I am all ears, then please let me know. You are very welcome, and I'd love to hear from you.
Alex Kiss